Ranveer Allahbadia

Ranveer Allahbadia

The Disruptor of the Year 2024

In the continuously evolving landscape of social media entrepreneurship, Not many have reserved their place in this spectrum who innovate and inspire millions of youth. Ranveer Allahabadia is among the handful. His achievement in the digital platform helped him to clinch the esteemed ' The Disruptor of the Year -2024 ' and become first in his category.

The government of India hosted this National Creator Awards event. This award was graced by none other than Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi. He has not only done tremendous work by recognising the milestone in the recognition of digital creators but also encouraging other creators.

But who is Ranveer Allahbadia? Why did he get this award, and what makes his journey so remarkable?

Who is Ranveer Allahabadia?

Ranveer's journey is marked as one of the most determined, Keep bouncing back, and always strive to improve. He was born and raised in Mumbai. During his early years, he faced many challenges and surgeries at a young age.

However, these hurdles fueled his desire to live a healthier lifestyle, which helped him choose the transportation path. Despite being from a family of doctors, he decided to pursue engineering, which eventually helped him to carve into the digital realm.

His YouTube channel, "Beer Biceps”, initially talks about fitness and promotes fitness regime, then quickly diversified into various topics from mysteries to motivation.

However, in 2019 he launched his hit show “The Ranveer Show”, which is still moving to its new height. In this show, he featured various influencers, spiritual gurus, celebrities, politicians and more. This podcast is now among India’s most viewed and top-ranked podcasts. This also showcases his ability to inspire and engage the audience.

The Ranveer Show: A Game-Changer in Podcasting

TRS or simply The Ranveer Show as per his listeners, this show is not a podcast but it is a movement. His guests are not only belong from Bollywood celebrities he even featured military veterans, spiritual personalities to politicians. He curated his conversation with them in such a way that it would resonate deeply with his listeners. His dedication to deep discussion and making his podcast quality top-notch has earned him widespread recognition and make him a leading voice in the digital space.

Multifaceted Persona: Beyond Podcasting

Ranveer is not only known for his success in the field of podcasting but also for his influence across various roles. He is among the top motivational speakers, YouTubers, and leadership coaches and above that he is the founder of BeerBiceps Pvt Ltd. He has diversified his portfolio of endeavours. His entrepreneurial spirit and strategic vision not only gave him personal success but also inspired millions of youth to pursue their passion fearlessly.

In Favor of the Award

His recognition as the 'The Disruptor of the Year' for 2024 is not only just an individual achievement but a celebration of the transformative impact on the digital landscape. His immense dedication to self-improvement, which comes together with his ability to inspire and uplift others, made him a true contestant in his field. Honouring his acknowledgement with this award from the Prime Minister of India reveals it’s importance of innovation and passion-driven success in shaping our future.

Conversation With Modiji at Nationals Creators Award:

मोदी जी: बधाई हो, तो आज भी कुछ फिटनेस का मंत्र देंगे लोगों को|

रणवीर: योगा करनी चाहिए मेडिटेशन करनी चाहिए तो|

मोदी जी: फिर तो ये लोग कहेंगे कि मोदी जी की बात बता रहा है तो फिर कहेंगे तुम बीजेपी वाले हो गए|

रणवीर: मोदी जी शायद यूथ की बातें कर रहे हैं तो पूरा यूथ मेडिटेशन कर रहा है आप बस वही बात फिर से कह रहा हूं मैं |

मोदी जी: कभी आप मैं आपको पूरी तरह तो फॉलो कभी किया नहीं है |

रणवीर: क्यों सर ?

मोदी जी: क्योंकि बहुत कठिन होता है जी मुझे खुद को 50 साल छोटा करना पड़ेगा तब जाकर के आपके साथ थोड़ा वेवलेट बैठेगा |

रणवीर: मेरा नहीं मैं |

मोदी जी: मैं विषय पूछ रहा क्या नींद के संबंध में आप कोई कार्यक्रम करते हैं |

रणवीर: कभी-कभी एलियन टीज के सपने आते हैं |

मोदी जी: नहीं मैं इसलिए कह रहा हूं कि सचमुच में नींद की बहुत उपेक्षा हो रही है जी जबकि पूरी दिनचर्या में पहला टाइम टेबल नींद तय करनी चाहिए मैं बहुत उल्टा बता रहा हूं आज क्योंकि मैं उसका भुक्त भोगी हूं मैं नींद के सम में बहुत ही इनसिलिको से मेरी बीमारी आ गई है मैं बहुत कम सो लेकिन मैं चाहता हूं लोग पूरी सोते रहे ऐसा मैं नहीं चाहता हूं जगाना लोगों को जगाना मेरा काम है लेकिन नींद के संबंध में हम ज्यादा उतने जागृत नहीं है कभी उस पर सोचिए ना जी जी |

रणवीर: योग निद्रा करनी चाहिए |

मोदी जी: योग निद्रा अलग है जी वहां मत ले जाइए देखिए योग निद्रा वह विषय है जो नॉर्मली नींद से कठिनाइया है नहीं पा हो पाती तो नींद योग निद्रा कर लिया तो उनका तीन चार घंटा और निकल जाता है |

रणवीर: आपके साथ पॉडकास्ट करने का मूड हो रहा है सर |

मोदी जी: अरे वाह! चलिए मूड तो हर एक के बहुत होते है भाई ओल द बेस्ट|

Conclusive Words

We not only celebrated Ranveer’s achievement as the 'The Disruptor of the Year' for 2024, but we also reminded the potential for positive change in the digital age. His journey inspired us to dare to dream and strive for excellence. Let us give Ranveer a big hand of applause for his accomplishment and continue to support & celebrate his work towards a better future.